Take the time to read this testimony from a teenager that met with the Lord in our 4-day THIRST conference. We would all do well to follow her example.
"I am a senior this year, but when I was a freshman, my mom left my father and our family. It was during really hard financial times. I didn't talk to her for almost 6 months. We lost our house. My sister went to college. My father and brother lived in a storage unit. I lives with my best friend for the 1st 6 months of my sophmore year until my dad found a house. The summer before my junior year, my parents officially divorced. I was very angry and hurt by my mother. She abandoned us. Then when my mother was given custody of me, I still held it against her. This week as I've attended the THIRST conference, God showed me that I need to forgive her. She loves me. And God wants me to forgive her. It might take awhile, but Jesus died to forgive me of my sins, why can't I feel a little uncomfortable forgiving my own mom? God is good all the time!!!"
Emily Freeman
Thank you Emily, for your example of surrender!! As followers of Christ, we should all desire to walk as He walked.