"On Thursday, my husband received a call to do some work with the State Attorney's office (he is a retired attorney). He has not had a call in the 4 years he has been retired. He will take this job at current attorney fees - and it speaks to his integrity for his past work - also his character. My husband and I took hands and prayed about this before he gave his answer - something we had never done before the revival!!!"
"It has been a true blessing from God to have you all with us here in Farmington. Personally, I have been challenged to be H.O.T. (honest, open, and transparent). The messages confirmed my desires to be obedient to God in ways He will surely reveal. Also, a miracle occured when my husband of 34 years took my hand on Tuesday night before we went to sleep and said, "Let's pray together." We hadn't done that for 30+ years!!! There in the dark, I had the biggest smile on my face as he began to pray. Praise God and may He bless you all in your work."
"This week has been great to help direct me in my marriage. We have been married 27 years and the last several years have been a struggle. Threats of leaving and divorce have been a common convesation at our home. In the past 6 months, we have really been trying to listen to what we know God's plan is for our lives. This week's lessons on marriage have helped me open my heart more to listen rather than talk. It has helped my husband express himself better. I will continue to seek God's will and please pray for us!!"