Thursday, February 25, 2010

Columbus, Mississippi

young woman -

"I have been in a bitter, angry mode of life. My heart has been hardened towards people. The "horizontal beam" of my cross-centered life was out of balance. The quote, "Don't underestimate your ability to hurt someone" really spoke to me. When Ryan taught on having a clear conscience, I knew there was a friend of mine that I just had to talk to. This morning, I got up and sent an e-mail to her asking her for forgiveness. I have been relieved about it all day!!! A peace has come over my soul, and I am so blessed by it!!!"

young wife -

"I have been hurt, in a broken marriage, dealing with the anger and pain of an unfaithful spouse. I came asking God to break my husband and lead him to repentance, but realized that I need to be broken myself. I have been able to let go of the hurt and pain, even though I had already forgiven him and overcome the hurt. I now understand that he has his own appointment with God. I can't change him. I must love him. I have been able to see areas I needed to ask forgiveness for, and I have asked for that forgiveness. God has begun to heal my heart."

young mother -

"Unforgiveness, bitterness, and having a clear conscience are areas that I have refused to address in my life, but in these past four days, the Lord has given me the courage to obey Him and deal with things that happened a long time ago. What a blessing to feel God's forgiveness and strength."

young mother -

"The Lord has shown me this week that I have put my children first, before the Lord and my husband. I made mistakes and I have been so prideful. My role as a mother had taken precedence over my role as a wife and daughter of the King, my King Jesus. This is not only wrong, but it is a disservice to my children!! They need a mother who is intimate with Christ. Thank you for being bold enough to be honest and challenge me in my walk."

father -

"I have been trying to live a "good" Christian life, yet I was lacking in so many things, especially in having a consistent prayer life. I always have an excuse. I know the Lord has begun a work in me to bring about the change that is needed."

young man -

"I have been challenged this week to confess my pride, which manifested itself in me trying to do ministry in my own strength. I am committed to abandon the idol of my selfish pride and to seek the strength of my Saviour, Jesus Christ."

young wife -

"I have been an absent Christian. I had stopped praying, stopped reading my Bible, and quit going to church. I am in the process of a divorce, so I had started drinking due to depression and emptiness from the hurt and anger toward my husband. I had a very heavy conscience and have been carrying a ton of baggage!! This revival has been just that - a revival!! It was what I needed to renew my faith, and being closer to my God. I have been praying, reading the Word and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. He has begun a good work in me, and He will be faithful to complete it."

wife -

"My husband and I have experienced some hurt in our marriage. I needed to hear the sermon on forgiveness. God has helped me to let go of the hurt and bitterness. I have realized that I must seek forgiveness as well. Human nature tends to only recognize my hurt and sorrow. With God's help, our marriage is and will only get better."

mother of 4 young children -

"I have felt dry and used up. My life is so consumed and busy as I am the mother of four young children. Over the past few days, I've realized that I shouldn't feel like I don't have time for a ministry. My life is my ministry!!! My life in front of my husband and my children!! They need to see me worship the Lord. They need to hear me adore my Saviour. They need to feel me touch them while praying for them. This revival has truly been a time of refreshing and reminding me of who God is and how completely worthy He is of all my praise!!!

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