Friday, November 26, 2010

15 years with Life Action!!

We have just celebrated our 15th year of ministry with Life Action and we thank the Lord that we can be a part of such meaningful work!! Long days, truck problems, trailer problems, lots of travel (we've logged 5,000 miles since Sept. 1st), constantly being "on", yet it's all worth it when our God does extraordinary things in and through ordinary people. Bringing believers to a new level of faith and intimacy with the Lover of their soul is our burden and passion, and we thank Him for where He has our family!! Thank you for supporting us through your prayers and financial gifts. During this Thanksgiving season, we thank the Lord for you!! Ryan, Mal, Margo, Shawna, Austin, Holly, Crista, and Sam

Saturday, November 20, 2010


"I have been in a dry place in my life and ministry. I have been guilty of prayerlessness and neglect of God's Word, and overall lack of striving for real holiness. God has convicted me this week and renewed my Spirit, my love for Him, and my passion for His ministry. I have identified soome "substitutions" in my life, and am working to set them aside and turning back to God in these areas. I am back to praying God's Word and creating time to hear from Him through His Word, and I am confident that this will help my marriage and family as well. Praise the Lord!!"
Chris (youth pastor)

"I have felt wounded, confused, and quite angry. I have been doing an amazing job of pretending I've moved past it all, and able to even convince myself. God has shown me that all the "stuff" that resides within me is affecting my thinking, attitude, and emotions. I often find it difficult to concentrate. At times, I avoid God's Word because of what I believe He will probably have to say. God is, not has yet, but is, seeting me free. I am working to hear, listen, and obey. It is happening. this thing God is doing, is going to happen in my life. I don't need a bigger God. I need to trust and believe in the big God I have."
Yogi (pastor)

"Since the summit at Berean back in May of 2010, I have reconciled with my mom. I asked for forgiveness for disobedience and rebellion in my teens. She wasn't all that thrilled and convinced by my request for forgiveness, but in the months since, God has given me a host of opportunities to show my sincere repentance. My love for my mom has grown and I have felt freed in ways I have not known in the last 30 years since leaving home!! Thank you, Lord!!"
Cindy (woman attending our THIRST conference in Mansfield, Ohio)

"I have been wearing a mask. I was doing all the "right" things or at least trying to appear that way to my church and my family. Meanwhile, on the inside, hating myself. I felt lonely and so I fill that with food, cigarettes, alcohol, and an angry heart. I treat my husband and my children in a way that I am ashamed of. I feel as if they should be in the pit with me, I guess. After the teaching on having a clear conscience, I spent an emotionally exhausting 2 hours confessing to my husband and praying together. I feel emotionally raw today, but finally feel as if I can break free. I don't have to live everyday in secrecy. I am on my way to seeking God and His forgiveness. I am realizing that I am so much more than my past mistakes and that God is in the process of remaking me."

"God has found me THIRSTY, and not really aware of how close to total dehydration I was. I have been upset with my wife for not meeting all my needs. I was causing strife in my teen's life, so I'd work 14 hour days because it was easier. I was my own idol. God has dealt with me through this conference, and now, my burden is light, my marriage has hope, my wife is special to me again, my teenager doesn't avoid me, and I refuse to substitute myself for God. I now know where to be refreshed. Thank you."

"I was torn before the conference. Half of me was so excited about the conference that I couldn't sit still, and the other half, honestly was dreading it more than anything. The message on Sunday about Idols and Substitutions was directed at me. For the last ten years, I've been saying, "I'll be happy when ______." I was looking for anything and everything from alcohol to a husband to a baby to fill in that blank. My low point was over this summer after leaving my job to stay at home with our infant daughter. I felt lost and very depressed. I denied it, of course, because I have a "perfect" life. Except that what I was filling my cup with didn't fill it at all. Then I realized that I'd been missing what is supposed to be the most intimate and fulfilling relationship attainable. Thank you very much."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada

Glory to God!! He has done miraculous things here in Cobourg, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Along with our 4-day THIRST conferences, we also conduct 8 and 11-day revival summits. This church happened to be an 11-day summit. Listen to the heart of this pastor as he shares what the Lord has done!!!

"God found me defeated, discouraged, and disgusted with God's people, and I'm the pastor. We needed to come to a place, and I personally needed to find myself, where our complete dependence was on Him. We were a church that was filled with divisions and devilish ways. BUT, the Holy Spirit moved in and through strong Biblical teaching, much prayer and persistence, in a miraculous way!! Lives are changed, families have found new love, men have learned to pray and lead, ladies have become filled with joy, and youth have a renewed passion for Jesus. These eleven days at Summit will forever be remembered as the significant time in which God changed our church all for His glory!!!"

And so we move on to Barrie, Ontario, to Emmanuel Baptist Church, where we are currently ministering in a 4-day THIRST conference. We trust He will move in our midst again, praying for the ultimate desire, revival among God's people!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Peoples Church: Ontario, Canada > The Lord is Moving in Our Midst

Peoples Church: Ontario, Canada > The Lord is Moving in Our Midst:
"The Lord is Moving in Our Midst
by Pastor Craig on October 13, 2010
God has been moving in some mighty ways here in the last two weeks. All for His glory. There have been many who have testified of what God has miraculously done in their lives. There are those in our midst who have confessed sins and asked for forgiveness. Many of these sins are those that we often keep hidden and pretend to play church and we make things appear as though everything was just fine in our lives....the masks are coming off and people are getting right with the Lord, right in their relationships - it is truly the work of God. There has been adultery confessed, addiction to pornography confessed, pride confessed, bitterness confessed, controlling behaviour confessed, and so much more. Relationships are being restored - husbands are coming forward and confessing how they have not loved their wife as Christ loved the church, wives confessing that they have not respected their husbands, young people confessing their need to trust in Christ in the things they are pursuing. This transparency is so powerful, the Lord is glorified through confession, repentance and ultimately restored and revived believers. May God receive all the glory!!!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

On the road again...

We are on the road again for our 2010-2011 travel year!! Already we have seen the Lord working in Wilson, North Carolina and Raleigh, North Carolina. Not only is the Lord using this team, but we are hearing of stirrings of revival occurring in Winstom-Salem, North Carolina where our Blue Team has been ministering for two weeks, and also in Sulphur, Louisiana where our Red Team has been in a two-week revival summit.

This weekend, Revive Our Hearts, an outreach ministry of Life Action, will host 6,000 women in Indianapolis, Indiana, for the 2nd True Woman Conference of 2010 with speakers Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Mary Kassian, Joni Eareckson Tada, Janet Parshall, Crawford and Karen Loritts, Fern Nichols, and Dannah Gresh. What a wonderful time it will be as these women gather to seek the Lord together!!!

Would you continue to pray with us for the Big R? Revival in our nation!! As you do so, continue to pray for the little r!! Revival in the hearts of men and women and children, and revival in the churches we are ministering in, SO THAT the Lord can bring about the Big R!! Revival once again in our land!!

Dear friends, unconfessed sin is crippling the church!!! One important truth that we have learned as a family is that the power of sin lies in it's secrecy. When sins are confessed, both to God, and to those we've wronged, we can live with a clear conscience, and begin to reconcile those relationships. We have a greater freedom to love and worship God, and we can be a greater witness for Christ.

We want to share with you, a testimony from one couple...

"Coming into this conference, I was below rock bottom. I had had an affair just one year into our marriage. That was 19 years ago. I was going to take that incident to my grave without telling my wife. God revealed to me during this conference that it was time, past time, to take care of my sin. Tuesday evening after the service, we put our kids down to bed, and I confessed my 19 year old sin to my wife of 20 years. She forgave me as did God. We are going to a Christian marriage counselor to help forge a path toward reconciliation, trust and honor. Had God not stepped in, suicide was on the near horizon for me. God has given life back to my dry, dead bones. My road, and my wife's will be challenging, but the price I must pay is nothing compared to the price Christ paid for my salvation. Thanks for being honest, open, and transparent with us. Otherwise, I most likely would be in the same frame of mind as when your team came in on Sunday."

"God found me frustrated that my husband was so depressed / angry at his situation in life. I was also stressed about work and the kids. This week has been great!! I feel refreshed and excited about what lies ahead for us. Last night, my husband told me about a "one night stand" he had very early on in our marriage and how that was a seed of sin that had been damaging him from the inside out. Only because of God and His great forgiveness and the testimony we heard at the ladies luncheon and last night, I was able to readily forgive and seek a greater oneness in our relationship. Thank you God for this ministry and the change it has made in our home even today. Thank you for arranging the circumstances for us to attend the whole time. You are an awesome God!! Oh, how many obstacles you cleared to make this happen!!"

Here's another testimony from a wife...

"God found me in a rut. I had plenty of head knowledge, and had seen God work in amazing ways in the past, but was very frustrated with my life, my prayer time, my marriage, and my parenting. Several things I heard this week were duplications of three book's messages I have been reading recently. I knew all the Biblical answers, but was still dry and empty. Then one thing was said at one of the evening sessions (Monday night), that brought a sin to my mind that I had been avoiding, forgetting (on purpose), and excusing. The "little" frustrations (and big hurts), all stem back to this one sin. I have kept this financial sin from my husband. I had not even confessed it to God!! This gross lie may cost me my marriage - it will definitely be a major strain. But I know I can no longer keep this from my husband. After the ladies luncheon, I pray he can forgive me for this. What a release when I confessed it to God today and asked my husband for some time alone with him tonight. Already, I know this has been the one thing hindering my Christian walk!!"
There are many more examples of God moving and working and we praise and give honor to the only One who deserves it. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We are heading to Michigan...

I (Mal) was about to title this post, "We're heading home," but in reality, we're pulling our home behind us. But we are heading to Michigan for a much-needed break, to have some time with family and friends, and to make preparations for our next ministry season which will begin in September. We pulled away from Lakeside Baptist Church half an hour ago, and we're heading up Interstate 81 N in Virginia. It's been a great year and we're praising the Lord for all He has done!!!
Sharing God's heart for the Church,
Ryan and Mal

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The dictionary defines it as something "difficult to accept" or in describing a person, "angry and resentful." What does this have to do with what we do? We have just ended an 8-day summit at Berean Baptist Church in Mansfield, Ohio and we were overwhelmed this past Sunday with over 50 people coming to share by way of testimony how they were responding to what God was teaching them through the course of the last 8 days.
Many issues were shared, but the one thing that stood out repeatedly was individuals recognizing and confessing bitterness in their lives, either toward a parent, a child, a spouse, or another indivdual. Many of them didn't even realize that they were bitter in their heart. They were unwilling to accept the circumstances or individuals that the Lord had brought into their lives. Many were bitter towards God, and didn't even realize it. God has set so many people free this week, and we are in awe of all that He has done!!

The Life Action staff and the staff of the church met on Sunday afternoon and determined that the Lord wanted our team to carry over one more night, so we actually finished the conference last evening with more testimonies. We have heard over and over again in the past four days comments like "My life will never be the same," and "Our home is changed," and "I am free from the bitterness," and "Our relationship with our kids is sweeter than we ever imagined," and "I sought forgiveness and I now have a clear conscience. I feel like I'm soaring!!," and "We are not the same family today as we were at the beginning of this summit."
One woman came to the microphone and shared that she had not spoken to or seen her parents in 24 years, and they live in the same town!! She didn't know where in Mansfield they were living, so she got online and found her mom, drove to her apartment, and sought her forgiveness for the years of bitterness and anger she had held against her mother. She then drove to the nursing home where her father was, and sought his forgiveness as well. She asked her father, "Dad, do you know who I am?" He said, "Yes." She shared what she needed to, and he forgave her!! She made the comment last evening that she felt as though she was soaring. Free from years of anger, bitterness, and resentment. But now she's free!! Praise God.
85 men come to pray!!!
Tom and Marie Nesbitt from Ames, Iowa, were with us teaching on the family, and Tom met with the men of the church every morning at 6 am teaching them to pray the Scriptures back to God, and then teaching them to take what they were learning back home and pray with their wife and children. Many men came forward Sunday morning and evening sharing how the Lord was using this prayer time to show them that they are to be the spiritual leaders in their homes, leading their wives and children in the study of the Word and in prayer. Many men came in a spirit of humility confessing that they had not been the priest of their homes as God calls men to be. What an awesome time we shared together as a body rejoicing over what the Lord had done!!! We praise His name, and our whole family would tell you, "This is worth livin' in a trailer for!!!!"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Resources that are available...

Through this blog, we not only want to inform you of where we are, and testimonies of changed lives, but also give you resources to aid you in your walk with God. Life Action has several websites full of topical helps based on the truth of God's Word. The websites are listed on the right side bar of this blog, and we would encourage you to visit them. Ladies, Revive our Hearts is a great tool for growing not only in our walk with God, but also for enhancing intimacy in our relationships with our husband and children. Life Action produces a weekly podcast called Infuse that you can download right to your computer that is available through We hope that you'll take advantage of the abundance of resources available to you. Our desire is to share God's heart for the Church with His church, and one means in which we do this is through our websites. May God bless you and your family and our prayer is that you would be a light for Jesus in your sphere of influence!!! Blessings, Ryan and Mal

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Concord Baptist Church

We are here in Jefferson City, Missouri where approx. 400 attended the service tonight!! We are expecting God to do great things this week!! Please pray that He would meet with us here in the capital city of Missouri and that a mighty move of His Spirit would change hearts and lives, impacting not only this church, not only this community, but the state as well as the nation!! We are in deep need as a nation for God to do something extraordinary. Would you pray with us for this community, Jefferson City, Missouri?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Enid, Oklahoma

We are driving on I44 heading east out of Tulsa on our way to Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City, Missouri. We finished a 4-day THIRST conference last evening and will begin at Concord on Sunday morning. The Lord did a great work in Enid and we are praising him as we're driving. Our desire is to share God's heart for the Church with individuals and it's thrilling when the truth is heard and applied!! Families are restored! Marriages are healed! Teenagers get excited about following hard after God!! And individuals are restored to an intimate, love relationship with Jesus, the Lover of their soul!!

wife and mother -
"Before this conference, God found me locked up!! I didn't realize it until the conference, but I always felt held back in my continued growth in the Lord. I've learned this week that as I obey, and take the steps required of me according to His Word, He moves and displays His enduring grace and faithfulness. Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has revealed my hindered growth. In the past, my heart had been broken, so I locked it up and could only give it to God. But He has now set me free!!!! He is enabling me to give my heart to my sweet, wonderful, dear, husband!!! I now trust not only my Lord, but I am free to love and trust my husband as well. God has unlocked my heart and I am free!!!!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We are leaving Desoto, Texas, this morning (Wednesday) bound for Enid, Oklahoma. Our summit ended on Easter Sunday with 30 individuals sharing the wondrous work that God has done in their lives and in their families. One precious 80 year old man came to the microphone and said it this way: "We came here this morning to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but we are leaving here celebrating the resurrection of our love and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ."

How profound!!! I'll let you read the testimonies for yourself:

"I have been married for 30 years, but I've been happy in it for 3 days!!! When we arrived for service the other night, my wife and I were sitting in the foyer. She leaned over to me and shared with me that she needed to confess something. She proceeded to tell me that she had been unfaithful in our marriage 20 years ago. Nedless to say, I was quite shaken, and did not know how to respond. It was time to go into service, and Ryan preached on the importance of having a clear conscience. H explained how to extend forgiveness when we're hurt, and how to seek forgiveness when we hurt others. The Holy Spirit knew what I needed to hear!! I have been able to forgive my wife, and we've had the best week ever in our relationship!! Praise the Lord!!"

"I come here each week with a smile on my face, but my heart has been so full of anger and bitterness. You never see it, because I'm really good at wearing a mask, and not allowing anyone in, but I must tell you, my heart has been as black as this shirt (he was wearing a black shirt). The Lord is cleansing me through a new love for His Word and I'm beginning to feel free!!"

"I came in here this morning (Easter morning) mad at my husband. We didn't even sit together. I just went and sat with my girlfriends. Anger has been one of the constant demons in my life and I am determined to be rid of this sin. I truly want to be a godly wife and mother. Please pray for me as God continues refining me through the His Word."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Living in Texas

Please pray for our son, Samuel. Everytime we come to Texas, he is miserable with allergies. He practically lives on Benadryl. His eyes itch all day long, and he's sneezing alot!!! But Lord bless him, he's got a positive atitude.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're looking for better methods, and God's looking for better men, and once He gets them, He may touch down.

We've had a great summit here in Sylvester, Georgia. Twenty-two men showed up for prayer this morning at 6 AM, and we finished our summit yesterday!!! That is an indication that the revival that has taken place here will be ongoing!!! Tom Nesbitt, who taught truths pertaining to the family this week, along with his sweet bride of 40+ years (Marie), has been meeting with the men of First Baptist Church every morning this past week. He has been teaching the men to pray through the Scriptures for their wives, children, and grandchildren.

We want you to hear several testimonies of changed lives amidst the people of God.

"Before this conference, God found me angry, hurt, and bitter. The week of the Life Action summit marked the 9th anniversary of the death of our first son, just 2 days old. The weeks prior to the summit, it was discovered that my wife had been unfaithful to me. Through the messages and daily 6 am prayer times, God revealed to me how I had failed. I was able to express my anger to God and give it to Him. I was able to claim I Thessalonians 5 and give thanks!! I discovered how my anger and bitterness tore down my wife which caused her to seek compassion elsewhere. I now have a new love for my wife and my marriage is better than ever!! Praise God!!"

"I am a man who thought I was living a good, Christian life. But, because of the truths taught this week, I have seen the pride in my life and I have needed to clear my conscience. I had to go to my wife and my son and ask forgiveness for the things in my life that I thought were covering my sin. I have learned how to pray and lift up Scriptures in prayer. Most of all, I have asked God to forgive me for my sin against Him. "

"I have been bitter and searching for answers. I was brought up in church, married a man my family adored, and saved myself for him and my marriage. I recently had a miscarriage. I work in a neonatal intensive care setting and see young girls having babies each day that they can't care for. I was able to thank God for placing our baby in our lives for 3 months. I was also able to thank God for taking our baby. God has awesome plans for my husband and I. I now long to worship & talk to God continuously throughout my day. My future is in his hands."

"I have been a bitter, prideful, selfish mother. I have been unwilling to allow my husband to lead our family. I was afraid he would make the wrong decisions, and he doesn't seem to be saved. God told me to do what he asks of me and he would handle my husband. I just need to trust Him and just sit at His feet."

"I have been working very hard with many church responsibilities which have left me tired, weary, and dry. I knew I was failing in the most important areas as a wife, mother and teacher of my children. Still, I wanted to run from these most important activities. God told me He would give me the power. I can't do it on my own. The kudos from others don't satisfy. Only God can satisfy."

Monday, March 8, 2010

On the road again...

After four days in Pensacola (looking at a school for Margo), we are back on the road headed to Sylvester, Georgia, where we will begin an 8-day conference with Tom and Maria Nesbitt on the 14th of March. Ryan will be flying out tomorrow to Austin, Texas, for Life Action's Vision Gathering, and the children and I (Mal) will spend the week in Sylvester. The team will be arriving Friday and Ryan will return on Saturday. Thank you, Lord, for two restful days!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dothan, Alabama....

We have had a wonderful conference at Ridgecrest Baptist here in Dothan. This conference was broadcast over the internet via live-stream and you can view the messages on the home page at We'd love to hear your feedback through the COMMENTS tab. Please pray for our family as we take a much needed spring break. We will be arriving in Sylvester, GA next week to begin our next 8-day conference on March 14 at First Baptist Church. Blessings to you all!! I (Mal) will be posting testimonies from Dothan next week.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dothan, Alabama....

We are in Dothan, Alabama at Ridgecrest Baptist Church. Our THIRST conference this week can be viewed on our Life Action website via Live-Stream. Simply go to and you'll see it on the home page.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Columbus, Mississippi

young woman -

"I have been in a bitter, angry mode of life. My heart has been hardened towards people. The "horizontal beam" of my cross-centered life was out of balance. The quote, "Don't underestimate your ability to hurt someone" really spoke to me. When Ryan taught on having a clear conscience, I knew there was a friend of mine that I just had to talk to. This morning, I got up and sent an e-mail to her asking her for forgiveness. I have been relieved about it all day!!! A peace has come over my soul, and I am so blessed by it!!!"

young wife -

"I have been hurt, in a broken marriage, dealing with the anger and pain of an unfaithful spouse. I came asking God to break my husband and lead him to repentance, but realized that I need to be broken myself. I have been able to let go of the hurt and pain, even though I had already forgiven him and overcome the hurt. I now understand that he has his own appointment with God. I can't change him. I must love him. I have been able to see areas I needed to ask forgiveness for, and I have asked for that forgiveness. God has begun to heal my heart."

young mother -

"Unforgiveness, bitterness, and having a clear conscience are areas that I have refused to address in my life, but in these past four days, the Lord has given me the courage to obey Him and deal with things that happened a long time ago. What a blessing to feel God's forgiveness and strength."

young mother -

"The Lord has shown me this week that I have put my children first, before the Lord and my husband. I made mistakes and I have been so prideful. My role as a mother had taken precedence over my role as a wife and daughter of the King, my King Jesus. This is not only wrong, but it is a disservice to my children!! They need a mother who is intimate with Christ. Thank you for being bold enough to be honest and challenge me in my walk."

father -

"I have been trying to live a "good" Christian life, yet I was lacking in so many things, especially in having a consistent prayer life. I always have an excuse. I know the Lord has begun a work in me to bring about the change that is needed."

young man -

"I have been challenged this week to confess my pride, which manifested itself in me trying to do ministry in my own strength. I am committed to abandon the idol of my selfish pride and to seek the strength of my Saviour, Jesus Christ."

young wife -

"I have been an absent Christian. I had stopped praying, stopped reading my Bible, and quit going to church. I am in the process of a divorce, so I had started drinking due to depression and emptiness from the hurt and anger toward my husband. I had a very heavy conscience and have been carrying a ton of baggage!! This revival has been just that - a revival!! It was what I needed to renew my faith, and being closer to my God. I have been praying, reading the Word and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. He has begun a good work in me, and He will be faithful to complete it."

wife -

"My husband and I have experienced some hurt in our marriage. I needed to hear the sermon on forgiveness. God has helped me to let go of the hurt and bitterness. I have realized that I must seek forgiveness as well. Human nature tends to only recognize my hurt and sorrow. With God's help, our marriage is and will only get better."

mother of 4 young children -

"I have felt dry and used up. My life is so consumed and busy as I am the mother of four young children. Over the past few days, I've realized that I shouldn't feel like I don't have time for a ministry. My life is my ministry!!! My life in front of my husband and my children!! They need to see me worship the Lord. They need to hear me adore my Saviour. They need to feel me touch them while praying for them. This revival has truly been a time of refreshing and reminding me of who God is and how completely worthy He is of all my praise!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Leesburg THIRST conference

Our THIRST conference here in Leesburg, Florida ended last night with a prevailing spirit in which there was an acknowledgement of corporate and individual need expressed to God, as the entire body flooded the altar and cried out for His grace. One senior saint stated that it had been nearly two decades since the church responded in a corporate manner as it did last night and what a beautiful picture it was!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Baptist Church, Leesburg, Florida


"I struggle with a drug addiction that has nearly claimed my life several times. Today, I have been clean for over 6 months, but I still struggle with the wreckage from my past and the deep rooted battle with sin in my life. The Lord, through the Life Action team, and by His power and grace, has awakened me to the hope and knowledge that I can serve our Lord Jesus Christ in a mighty way despite where my addiction has taken me. I have been convicted of the hate and selfishness in my heart, and the team inspired me to give all of myself to the Lord. I am now praying diligently for God to give me guidance and show me how I may be of service and further the message of the gospel to those who are currently where I once was. God has begun to work on my heart and break the pattern of me seeking to satisfy my selfish and sinful desires, and my wholeness is found in Jesus Christ."

"Before this conference, God found me lacking in joy. There were many things I was continuing to put before Him that hindered my dependence on Him. I truly wanted more intimacy with Him and I have been brought to His throne in a new and refreshing way, trusting Him for all provisions and realizing I was not giving my husband the place of respect I should."

"I have been bitter and angry with my husband. We are both believers, but we are struggling big time. These nights "and the ladies luncheon have reminded me of the steps I need to take. The words and notes are invaluable to my quiet times. I must go slowly through the list of things I need forgiven of. My husband doesn't treat me right, but I have been wrong. God held me accountable for me. Thank you for laying a path out for me to follow. Today for the first time in a long time, I sense a mustard seed sized bit of hope in my heart."

"Following Sunday, I was convicted about how I had allowed my mornings to become more involved with the world than with God. The next morning, I refused to check e-mail, voice mail, or even watch the news. I filled my morning with prayer, meditation, and eating breakfast. I was missing my time with God!! That has changed!! Folliwing the 2nd day of the conference, I used the message handout to read through the Scriptures. I discovered so many sins in my life. Hours of Scripture, reflection, and prayer now fill my mornings. I know this is something I really needed. I soon expect to have a church to pastor. I will never forget this revival time. Thank you."

"Thank you for getting my attention!! I have been saved for nearly 20 years. I go to church regularly and tithe. However, I'm far from where I know God wants me to be. In regards to my time, talents, and treasures, there is so much more I can and need to do for the kingdom of God. I think I'm beginning to get it finally thanks to four straight days with the team. Thank you, Lord, for waking me up and refreshing me."

"The most important thing God has revealed to me this week is in the area of forgiveness. I have been married for two years, but the whole first year, we were separated. The enemy led me to believe there was someone better for me. I was committing adultery and wasn't even thinking twice. God has brought me home and He has set me free from my sinful nature. I know that I am forgiven and my husband and I are working on our marriage with Christ in the center. He deserves all the glory because only He can fix a broken soul."

"God has spoken to me about resolving the issued between my father and myself. He (God) has told me to write a letter to my father several times and express my feelings, but I have been stubborn. I would write the letter, but always failed to put it in the mail. Well, that has all changed today. I wrote the letter, but not as harshly as the past ones. I asked him for forgiveness and told him I forgave him. I have every intention of putting it in the mail first thing tomorrow. Maybe, I need to write it several times to get it just right. Thank you, God, for everything you have done for me and everything you will do."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wayside Baptist Church, Miami, FL

Well, we are pulling out of Wayside Baptist Church in Miami, Florida, heading to New Port Richey, Florida, where we will begin our next conference this Sunday, Jan. 17th. We have had a great 4-day conference here at Wayside with many individuals responding to the Lord in obedience to the lover of their soul, Jesus Christ. Night after night, they have come with hearts prepared to learn and grow in their intimacy with the Lord. The cultural diversity here in Miami is refreshing as there are many, many people groups represented in this city. Our ladies luncheon was full with 150 women attending, and many women have made a fresh commitment to being true women of God in respecting and honoring their husbands, teaching the Word of God to their children, loving those that are hard to love and digging deeper into God's Word. We depart with grateful hearts for all the Lord has done, and we will be posting some pictures and testimonies very soon. We love you all and thank you for your love and care for our family.